My three kids have all kinds of toys over the years but one kind of toy that they still play with now are bath toys. My eldest is now 11 and he isn’t bothered about them, though we do have some squirty ducks that he will play out in the garden with, chasing his brother and sister trying to get them wet. But my youngest two are now 5 and 6 and still love playing with their bath toys at bath time. We have had quite a few different bath toys and they will often play with toys in the bath that aren’t made for using in the tub. Like Aaron likes to take his cars in and dinosaurs. The dinosaurs are ok, but the cars are made of metal so we have to dry them to stop them going rusty. Caitlin like to take her barbies in and pretend they are mermaids.
I saw Parents Need Top 5 Bath Toys and they all look really good, but we haven’t tried any of them. So I thought I would share my top 5 bath toys that we have used.
First up is Dressing Up Stickers from Meadow Kids. I receive these a while ago to review and they are really great. My youngest two both still play with these now. They often dress up a doll and make me choose which one I like the best.
Next up is Grandad Pig’s Boat from Peppa Pig. It took me ages to get one of these. Every time I saw one on offer they were sold out with in minutes, so I ended up buying a second-hand one from a friend. But this is a great toy and a must have for any Peppa Pig fan.
This is another item I received as a blog ambassador for Baby Born. The Little Baby Born Bathing Fun Doll. This has a soft body that can go in water and it is made so that it dries really quickly. This is perfect for kids who like to take their dolls in the bath with them, as normal doll seem to have water leak into them and it won’t come back out. And when you shake them you can hear the water slogging around inside them.
Rubber ducks! Every child has got to have some of these!! My kids have had some since they had their very first baths and still love to play with them now. They often fill the bath with bubbles and let the ducks all fall in and they have to be the first one to find them. This game never grows old.
And I have saved our favourite till last. The Froggie Bubble Blower from ELC. We have had two of these so far. I bought the first one when Ryan, my eldest was a few months old. He used to love it so much. It sticks to the side of the bath or on the bath tiles and it plays music and makes loads of bubbles. The first one we had got knocked of the wall and got a huge crack in it, so we bought another one has it is just so good. I even bought my nephews one for Christmas too.
Which is your favourite bath toy? Do your kids have any of them?
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